Wow! What a weekend! Aussie records being broken everywhere! Australia first and second in the all important Grand Prix final selection event, then a clean sweep in the Kür for us, placing one, two and three. A few tears were shed when the National Anthem was played twice for my fellow London teammates, Lyndal Oatley and Kristy Oatley. I felt so very proud to be Australian, and very happy to be standing right beside them.

Presentations after the Grand Prix, Lyndal first, Mary second
What more can I ask of my beautiful horse? Sancette is the most honest horse I have ever sat on with the biggest heart. He has tried his heart out every step of the way. Two personal bests with 71.7% in the GP and 74.77% in the Kür. I am so proud and happy with him. Yet I feel there is even more there as he develops his strength, and we gain even more confidence.
The training with Patrik has opened up a whole new world to me that I have hardly dared to believe possible. It has taken so many years to break that 70% barrier, yet now I feel there are so many more challenges ahead.
With WEG selection done, I feel almost an anti-climax. I am so used to having to fight and claw to the end of every single selection, that to come out as the top qualified combination feels a bit surreal! At least I can look back and say past events have toughened me up and I feel like I can survive almost anything that comes out of left field nowadays. As the saying goes, what does not kill you just makes you stronger.
I was asked what my plans are now leading up to the WEG. Well I can tell you that it is fairly simple. I plan to continue to learn from the young, and hope to inspire the old. I will ride my backside off to represent my country in the best possible way I can. I come from the generation of the 50′s. Most of us are now grandparents, and at a time of life where we are normally planning our retirement. Not me! I am already planning towards Rio! And if it all turns to custard, I will stick to the saying of my generation, “never explain, and never complain! Cheers, Mary